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Pryor Middle School
Student Services
Student Services Staff
Brittany Sands, M.Ed, Counselor
Candace Boldin, M.Ed, Counselor
Kim Oliver, Registrar/Secretary
Phone: 850-833-3613, Ext. 3
Fax: 850-833-4276
"School counselors are uniquely qualified to assist students with overcoming barriers to learning." ASCA

Supporting Self-Harm

​Self-harm: Text CONNECT to 741741 OR call 1-800-366-8288
Helpful APPS for kids:
Calm Harm
Clear Fear

Cautions for Parents:
Punish children for self-harming/Yell
Accuse them of wanting attention​
Share with others in front of them
Say, "Just stop" or "Things aren't that bad."
Accuse them of manipulation
Deny that it is happening
Make them promise not to do it again

For help supporting your teen with Substance Abuse and/or Suicide Prevention...

¡Recursos para padres sobre intimidación, abuso, temas delicados, desarrollo infantil y mucho más!

¡Lea más haciendo clic a continuación!
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